Day Nine / by Albert Tsang



“Ow! Ow! Ow!” said the solar plexus.

Waking up to a violent bout of coughing has not been at all pleasant. Bringing up another round of blood seems to put the breathing at ease, I’m beginning to wonder if it is accumulating in the lungs as a result of the harsh cough or possible chest infection.

With the face feeling very hot, a quick temp check shows another high fever hitting home as the virus continues its onslaught.

A quick round of dry cough meds, Panadol and Strepsils (for soothing the sore throat) calms most of the cough.

Having gone through known symptoms of COVID-19, I’m starting to wonder what’s lined up next.

Anyhow, good night and stay safe folks!

Heart Rate: 103bpm



Waking up and the first word that comes to mind is “Meh!” followed by a coughing fit.

Energy levels are completely shot this morning, a hot shower to soothe the aches had been welcoming but kickstarting the day with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice did not go to plan with a major urge to bring it back up again. Appetite, it seems, is non-existent.

Along with a morning fever and elevated heart rate, blood pressure appears be staying in the norm although swinging to the low end.

A quick look at the bathroom mirror this morning had shown I’ve got some rather hollow cheeks, new stats for this morning is the weight, a drop of 2kg in 9 days (76.3kg to 74.3kg), considering water consumption has been kept high, this is not positive news.

For today, it’s remote working from bed, until the next update.


Drifting in and out from lack of energy hasn’t been fun. Another diarrhoea episode hits as a side bonus.

The cough is a little more tamed with the occasional fit. Back to working from bed!



It may not look the most appetising but I’ve come to a point of having to force a meal down and deal with the consequences after, the body needs the energy!

A heart healthy prepped meal from M&S (Pulled Pork Ramen). So far, it’s gone down ok, smells good, still no taste and it’s taken over half an hour to finish, a new personal best for sure (I’m not a slow eater)!

You might have noticed the photo of an insanely hot sauce to the right, I was in two minds earlier, with the temptation to simply burn this blasted virus to high heaven, maybe on another day…



Waking up with another drenched t-shirt, no change here.

Another quick change, another sip of water and it’s back to bed again.

Heart Rate: 92bpm


Another coughing fit wakes me up. The face is feeling very hot again but there’s also a strange feeling in the mouth, like it’s grinding on sandpaper.

Part of me thinks, if there is any place for this COVID piece of bleep to hide, it would be the in the mouth.

A quick gargle of Listerine and boy did that mouth burn from Listerine feel good.

Now, it’s back to more sleep again.