Day Eleven / by Albert Tsang



Apologies for the lack of posts, I’ve been overly occupied with… sleep. In fact, I’ve been sleeping so much in the past two days, I’m sure it’ll make koalas proud (little known fact, koalas sleep 18-22 hours a day).

There have been some sleep interruptions from a bit of coughing and thirst but nothing major worth noting.

Whilst refreshing myself this morning with a hot shower, I couldn’t help but notice how much bones was on show. A quick jump on the scales did not bring a smile to my face, this COVID-diet is awful.

The general weakness and light-headedness is most likely due to the lack of food (the major weight drop being the major giveaway here).

In good news, the temperature and blood pressure levels appear to be in the healthy zone and the diarrhoea has finally gone.

In not so good news, the persistent cough remains an issue (as indicated by the heart rate). There’s not much blood being brought up now but more of a white mucus, which from experience tells me we are looking at an infection of sorts. Time to call this in with my GP for a second opinion.



After a lengthy morning discussion with NHS 111 and my GP, it’s been concluded there’s a nasty chest infection going on, it can’t be confirmed whether it is pneumonia at this point as no one really wants to do a home visit in presence of COVID-19, who can blame them.

The prescription of antibiotics is now in play, plus a quick body temp check on the side.



When looking up the antibiotic, here’s a really interesting fact…


With medication comes side effects, diarrhoea! Great Scott!



For the first time, there’s no fever today, paranoia meant I took a couple of readings before realising the thermometer wasn’t going to change its mind.

It’s not quite over yet with the residual effects of COVID-19 still lingering, the chest infection being the big nasty one here. But the weeklong antibiotic treatment should clear that up.

The on-going appetite loss is still disturbing and taking Clarithromycin which has the additional common side effect of appetite loss will certainly not help. Oh, and let’s not forget the reintroduction of diarrhoea from the side effects!

The other residuals from the virus includes the slowly dissipating killer headache, fatigue and the light-headedness. The latter two will most likely remain unresolved until I get my appetite back.

We still do not know if I’m contagious, there’s not much information to go on and with the cough still present, NHS 111 can only advise “better to be safe than sorry” and ride out the chest infection before exposing myself back to the world.

For now, it’s back to bed!