Day Seventeen / by Albert Tsang


A largely peaceful night’s rest with only one minor disruption due to dehydration.

The brief morning cough reminds me it’s still lingering but unlike previous days, there is no more blood being brought up, yet another positive sign on recovery.

Most symptoms are gone now, the piercing headache that appears as night falls has also stopped since last night. All that remains is the light-headedness, the cough and the missing appetite.

If all is well and good, I should be out of isolation from tomorrow. Just in time for the Easter break.

Good morning!



If the virus has an exit strategy, I’m pretty certain it has just pulled it off with a completely random, sudden and violent vomiting episode that has come out of the blue this evening. The day has been largely uneventful from a medical perspective but something had been provoking nausea throughout the day and food intake has been pretty dire with dinner skipped altogether.

But it’s now left me feeling more relaxed and the nauseous feeling has simply disappeared. It’s plentiful fluids and Dioralyte to restore both water and salt loss for now. Here’s hoping whatever is annihilating my appetite has been casted away from this evening’s event.



Time to shed a tear for the last yellow pill… sarcasm alert!

After 6 days of moaning about this monster of a medication, it’s the last one standing until this very second. Good riddance to those side effects!