Day Twelve / by Albert Tsang


It’s a double whammy tonight, with a not so pleasant cough waking me up and good lord, that solar plexus is really sore. Bringing up the white mucus and blood seems to ease off the cough.

Just before settling in for sleep again, a discomfort in the stomach signals a diarrhoea warning and it’s quite an episode this time.

Just before hitting the bed, some quick stats taken:

  • Temp: 37.2c

  • Heart Rate: 77bpm

  • SpO2: 96% (taken from my Beurer Pulse Oximeter)

With the chest infection, I thought the measure of arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2) may come in handy for those taking in stats from this blog.

Over and out!



Good morning world, another feverless night and feverless start to the day!

Still bringing up white mucus and blood, the cough is in less of a fit this morning.

Another diarrhoea episode to kick things off too.

Today’s aim is to try and get a bit more food in. Appetite is still non-existent so we shall see how things go.



Apologies for the lack of updates and especially those who have messaged in with concerns, sorry!

I appear to have taken up a liking to being a koala and have slept for most of the day, but all jokes aside, I suspect the addition of the chest infection / COVID-19 pneumonia has taken a huge toll on the body and after eleven days of battling the main COVID-19 symptoms, it’s pretty knackered.

Everything else is ok, the latest stats taken are pretty positive, not much I can do about the heart rate as breathing is a little shallow and rapid until the damage to the chest is fixed. Any attempts to do deep breathing techniques to relax will only end in a coughing disaster so I won’t be trying that again anytime soon.

There have been some doubts on the effectiveness of the antibiotics as it won’t have any effects on a viral infection. But better to be safe than sorry and see through the entire course.

For now, it’s time to find some distractions, all this sleeping will surely turn me into a koala, I’m sure I’ll be climbing that tree outside soon and start eating leaves…


Last post before I head for bed (have just taken antibiotics so will let the body process that whilst sleeping).

It’s not been particularly eventful but most of it is due to the large numbers of hours I’m clocking in with sleep.

Food intake is still pretty bad, it’s improving although ever so slowly, to give you an idea, today’s food diary:

Breakfast: Fresh mangoes 200g

Lunch: Homemade egg & ham sandwich (crust removed) with 400ml fresh orange juice on the side

Dinner: Chicken, tomato and grain soup 600g

Each meal has been a struggle to complete so it’s all been about patience to try and get nutrients into the body.

Tomorrow will be another challenge, until then, good night and stay safe!