Day Ten / by Albert Tsang



The past 24 hours has felt rather strange, the number of times I’ve drifted in and out of consciousness simply due to fatigue has been disturbing to say the least.

Waking up for a loo break, the first thing I’ve noticed is that my face doesn’t feel hot. A quick check on the stats and it confirms tonight is the first night where my temperature taken is actually normal.

The elevated heart rate has been from the cough, still a little persistent but it’s none of the coughing fits I’ve had in the past few days.

For now, time to grab a few more winks as I’m still fatigued, let’s hope this is the light at the end of the tunnel, good night!



Body temp hovering just outside the fever range.

Both weakness and fatigue rules over me this morning.

The cough has died down but only seem to be triggered from the sore throat so Strepsils seem to have that soothed over for now.

There’s still a banging headache and light-headedness when moving around but the room spinning has gone.

Still no appetite though. Let’s see how today progresses.



Back into the fever range now and there’s the odd occasion where I am simply sat dazed whilst working.

The cough is still a little niggly, still being reigned in by Strepsils but it’s still bringing up a small amount of blood, although less frequently now.

There’s no nausea effect anymore when confronting food, I’ve only managed to eat some fresh fruits earlier and it’s stayed down which is a good sign.


A quick symptoms update:

Fever: Fever is still looming so I’m not quite out of it yet, a quick temp check after this.

Cough: The cough is intermittent but not coming in big fits anymore.

Aches and Pains: Knee and shoulder joints are still aching, tailbone is a little sore. There’s plenty of discomfort across the chest, solar plexus, throat and back, one little cough is all it takes to remind me of all those sore locations.

Headache: The headache is still bad, not much change here.

Smell and Taste: Smell has now fully returned, the taste is starting to return.

Fatigue: Fatigue is still a rollercoaster ride, clocking nearly 14 hours of sleep and still wanting more.

Stability: No more room spinning effect, light-headedness remains.

Confusion: Have been caught dazed a few times.

Lack of Appetite: Non-existent appetitite, this is still on-going, I’m forcing food down but so far, no negative consequences. No nausea but I get a full sensation pretty quick now.

Breathing: Breathing is ok, a little rapid due to the cough. Can breath through nose normally.

Diarrhoea: Last seen, yesterday at one in the afternoon. To be confirmed.



Oh how I do not miss you, fever!



Updated stats for the evening after a brief rest.

It’s worth noting I took some Panadol 90 minutes prior to this so would expect the fever temperature to be affected.

The intermittent cough still keeping that HR up.